Adding Chains
Inside your leviathan folder will be a chains.csv file. This is used to set any chain specific parameters to import your own chains into leviathan. The below will gudie you through the different chain types and what inputs are needed.
Chain: Solana
RPC: Your RPC's URL in http/https format
Explorer: Explorer to use. Default is
EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine)
Chain: Chain's name. This is for your own reference in task sheet files.
RPC: Your RPC's URL in http/https format
Explorer: The chains native explorer. It must support the etherscan api format. Most chains will either use Etherscan's port or something like Routescan.
API Url: The URL to the Etherscan Compatible API
API Key: API Key for the provided API
Chain: Chain's name. This is for your own reference in task sheet files.
RPC: Your RPC's URL in http/https format
Explorer: Explorer to use for the given chain
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