Task Sheets
In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of creating a task sheet.
We recommend using Rons Data Edit on Windows devices, or Table Tool on MacOS devices for editing .csv files.
Leviathan uses task sheets to manage and execute your minting tasks. This contains all the data for each task such as the module to run, the input for the task, what mode to run and what wallet to use. It's important to understand how the task sheet works for each module before creating tasks to avoid future errors. Each Chain has it's own guide section detailing the inputs for each module.
Open the Task Sheet: You can find your task sheets in the Leviathan folder on your desktop, followed by the chain type you want to create tasks for. Copy the 'blank.csv' and rename it to something meaningful.
Edit the Information: Each row in the task sheet represents a task, while each column represents a different attribute of that task. Here's what each of these columns mean:
Module: The Minting Module you wish to use
Chain: The Chain from Chains.csv to use
Contract: The Contract/URL to interact with
Input: Any parameters for the module
Quantity: How many to mint. This is only a feature on select modules.
Mode: What minting mode to use. Some modules have the mode field bound to what whitelist stage to mint for.
Wallet ID: The ID for the associated wallet in your wallets.csv file.
Save Your Changes: Once you've made your edits, save the .CSV file. Leviathan Bot will use the updated information the next time it runs a task.
Remember, it's crucial to input accurate information for each task to ensure successful execution. Always double-check your task sheets before starting Leviathan Bot.
Last updated