Copy Cat
Listens for transactions with supplied parameters in the mempool, then fires the transactions with perfect parameters to increase chances of being included in the same or following block.
Copy Cat will ONLY work on chains with a mempool. This means chains such as Optimism and Base that do not have a mempool can not run Copy Cat mode.
Not all contracts will work with Copy Cat, a on chain toggle needs to be callable to enable/disable the function you want to call.
Chain: Chain's name as defined in Chains.csv
Contract: Contract address to interact with, followed by the address to watch for, seperating them with the
character; for example0xbc4ca0eda7647a8ab7c2061c2e118a18a936f13d|0xaBA7161A7fb69c88e16ED9f455CE62B791EE4D03
Function: Function to use, followed by the function to listen for, seperating them with the
character; for examplemintApe|flipSaleState
Input: JSON Array Compliant Parameters for the mint tx followed by the parameters to match for the listening tx; for example
Quantity: Value of ETH to send as part of the transaction, for example
Max Gas: Maximum GWEI fee to pay for your transaction. Can be left empty to have no limit.
Gas Limit: Set the transactions gas unit limit, is optional but reccomended to set to avoid transactions gas limit being too low.
Wallet ID: Wallet ID corresponding to the wallet in wallets.csv you wish to use.
Last updated